Friday, April 12, 2013

Sit a spell and let's have a spot of tea

Welcome back to Bloomfield. Glad you decided to visit us again. If this is your first time, you’ll love our town. The people are friendly, loyal and caring. Most of them have come in for a bite of lunch at one time or another that is except for the younger generation. Those twenty-somethings don’t enjoy the tea room like their parents do.

They seem to prefer the Fancy Schmantzy restaurant in town. That’s not the real name, but that’s what folks call it around here. I haven’t been there but once or twice myself. The décor is rather formal and people talk much more quietly than they do at Burt’s Barbeque. The fancy place uses fine china, silver, linens and sparkling crystal for their tables along with linen tablecloths and napkins. The lights are not bright, but you can see your food and know what you’re eating, and the food is excellent.

The tea room uses fine china for our dishes whether it matches or not. If it’s old, pretty and has a design, I’ll buy it for the tea room. I do love this new pattern we recently started using because it features butterflies, one of my favorite things. Of course when the men have coffee, they are given sturdy pottery mugs. Men don’t cotton to well to dainty cups, but they don't seem to mind these new ones with the larger handles. The pink and white interior with pink geraniums everywhere delights the ladies, but the men tolerate it to have some of Lida Mae’s chicken pot pie or quiche. 

I love our crystal in the Colony pattern from Fostoria. What you see here were my mother’s and she got them in the 1940’s when she married. The tea set belonged to my grandmother.

Winnie’s party was a huge success. We managed to surprise her, but only her closest friends from high school days know her real age, and we’re not telling because then people would know how old the rest of us are. One person missing was our Mayor. Woodrow Hansen had out of town business that kept him away, and frankly I think Winnie was a little disappointed he wasn’t here. I’m not one to spread tales, but if you ask me, now that she and Woody have both lost their spouses, she’d like to ignite their old flame from high school days. Now that’s one fire I’d like to see re-lit.

I hear that Lynn Myers is coming back to town to settle her brother’s estate. He lived in a creepy old house next to the cemetery. I hope Lynn can fix it up to what it was like years before her brother became such an eccentric. Lynn was once a regular patron of the Pink Geranium and it’ll be good to see her again. She’s a widow like me, but her loss is still rather new, so coming back here will do her good. I just hope she’ll feel at home again.

You can read Lynn’s story in Last Chance for Justice. It’ll be available in May and you’ll meet Lynn and her daughter, Rachel next month after they get settled in.

It’s time to get ready for week-end guests, so I’ll leave you for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed our little visit. Do come back as I have lots more to tell you and many more people for you to meet.

Be sure to leave your email address when you leave a comment so I’ll know how to get in touch with you if you win our box of goodies. Also, you can get an extra entry this month by following us if you don’t already.


  1. I am so excited over this new series and all the wonderful authors. The tea room sounds wonderful.
    I want to move to Bloomfield. vherlock at yahoo dot com

  2. Yes, Lynn Myers and her daughter, Rachel, are most definitely back in town and looking forward to getting reacquainted with the Bloomfield Bunch!

  3. I love the photos. Beautiful china! Love the Crystal and the tea set. I loved my visit to Bloomfield! Thanks for the invite. :)

    Would love to read Lynn's story. Very intriguing!

    Judy B

  4. I enjoyed this post.Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'd love to share a spot of tea with you ladies from Bloomfield! I love the Fostoria crystal, and if I'm not mistaken, I may have that same tea set that originally belonged to my grandmother! I tried to enlarge the photo to check it out, but wasn't able to. I'm a follower of your lovely blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Nancee. The Fostoria crystal shown is the pattern I now use for special occasions. It belonged to my own step-mother as did the tea set. Mine isn't exactly like the one shown because it had different flowers, but this one really matches the decor at the Pink Geranium.

  6. oh, the tea room sounds delightful to this old broad! lol I love tea and the pot pie would be a favorite of mine, I'm sure! I love eating on fine china too, just for the fun of it ! Would love to win!

  7. I am excited to travel to Bloomfield and rest at the tea room. It is an honor to worship the King of Kings with Martha each week at church. It is a joy to know her! Thanks Martha for another opportunity to escape to your wonderful world. Katelyn and I look forward to tea.

  8. I've enjoyed visiting in Bloomfield and sharing a spot of tea. What a joy it would be to actually sit and chat with all these talented authors. Thanks Martha for this beautiful and colorful spot. Thanks for this giveaway and the chance to win something unique.

    In Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com
